Thursday, 15 April 2010

Nana's world

So brokenhearted our lovely nana has died...she was 90 and theres going to be a while before we are blogging in earnest... theres going to be a website for her 'evesmydeardarling1' on vistaprint at the moment but they have bermuda laws and i dont know anything about bermuda so maybe it can run on my other website designed on serif in a little while...there were so many people in that haiti thing that its like the whole world went and tipped and now theres lots more and a volcano going up in iceland.....makes my internet going down seem like a walk in the park....
back to ordinary life and an internet dongle with pay as you go as the orange one went and failed as it would only work in my own home and not at all the uk postcodes locally so basically it has been a real waste of will all sort soon. My tutoring might pick up but the landscape photography and web making is more my thing at the moment....maybe a few mobile websites as well...lucky mum 90 and a few months and me there to look after....the new evolved world is still living round the corner from parents and grandparents whatever the media says....more soon

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