Sunday, 7 April 2013

Wollaton Park Upbringing..

As a free range kid (mostly) with 500 acres of suburban farm-parkland and  parents who believed in mainly self sufficiency and extended families - and had a church and community mum and a dad who worked in a factory after being a regular in the RAF...and after selling their home as an adult with my siblings...after surviving redundancy and divorce and the other perils of life as mostly an ordinary individual; why do i feel the current government - both houses: are the most outrageous set, the worst bunch of charlatans since Raleigh and Drake who ripped off Central and South America with parliaments (and the absolute monarchs) blessing - who could buy priviledge? Why are they worse than those days....because they want women to use their first childs family allowance if they are in difficult circumstances AND GIVE IT TO A LANDLORD OR A COUNCIL LANDLORD OR A MORTGAGE COMPANY or lose their home...the alternative? To have more children...when those kids have to face having a working mum at five. Thats the family allowance...for uk kids...

Sad people...all of them who voted it through...

And if the concept of 80% working is seen as full doesnt help the seeking work where it wont ever turn up either...

And if you/they cant make an extra £15 week without losing a further £15 (catch 22) thats the worst kind of trap there is...

Am ashamed of them all, bring more employers back, tax the companies who record £1BN profit per annum or per 6 mths (usually after tax) ...what can they do with the money, they've paid dividend and taxes...why let them use £2333 for every man woman child in another land?  Its flagrant rabble rousing challenging and unsettling its anti women, chauvanistic and petty and against the weakest and most worst of all against the most vulnerable .

Enough to make one a leveller...

Just Breathe

Just Breathe
Green Space