Monday 24 June 2024

Midsummer 2024

Just so the suffering kids know...


Would someone like to tell Mr Putin
& the idiots 'ruling' in the old Levant…
Of my absolute resentment of their foothold on this earth …
And my sentiment, that their present situation should be somewhere out in space
Preferrably beyond the iss space-station…
Without the benefit of any life preserving technological support system.
…Failing that the antartic might suffice.
But the Penguins …would they be safe?

Thursday 28 May 2020

Lots walks

Not quite the Awesworth to Strelley bridleway...

4 peops, girl on a cycle, woman on a treasure hunt, couple in a red car...none more than 2m ...
Need pics

Tea Shop Walks....when they are open again...

Pandemic 2020, quiet afternoons, hardly any people

As Wolly Park has too many people...

Just Breathe

Just Breathe
Green Space